Dedicated to the exchange of ideas among
researchers, professionals, and students and
an informed citizenry since 1958.

Best Paper Award

Past Recipients

  • 2024: Jules Yimga, “The On-Time Performance Effects of a Policy Change in Airport Slot Restrictions: A Synthetic Control Analysis”
  • 2023: Patrick McCarthy, “Health Factors, Mode Choice, and Time-Cost Trade-offs: Evidence from Out-Patient
    Trips to Health Care Facilities”
  • 2022: Cesar Rivera Trujillo, “Establishing the first economic regulation of the Mexican rail concessions”
  • 2021: Justin Tyndall, “Pedestrian Deaths and Large Vehicles”
  • 2019: Suhrid Deshmukh, Michele Bustamante, Richard Roth, and Randolph Kirchain, “Results from a Case Study: Impacts of Ride-Sharing on Urban Mobility Trends a Vehicle Stock in U.S.A.”
  • 2018: Linda R. Cohen and Kevin D. Roth, “A Second-Best Dilema: Freight Trucks, Externalities, and the Dispatch Effect”
  • 2017: Yuan Chen, C.Y. Cynthia Lin Lawell, Erich J. Muehlegger, Yunshi Wang and James E. Wilen, University of California at Davis, “Modeling Supply and Demand in the Chinese Automobile Industry
  • 2016: Tony Diana, Federal Aviation Administration, “Does Market Concentration Foster Scheduled Arrival Reliability? A Case Study of Ten U.S. Airports”; Ian Savage and Caroline Miller, Northwestern University, “Does the Demand Response to Transit Fare Increases Vary by Income?
  • 2015: Chen (Sarah) Xu and Liang-Chieh (Victor) Cheng, University of Houston, “Accounting for Natural Gas Vehicles in Regional Auto Markets?Estimates for the State of Texas, U.S.”
  • 2014: Ju Dong Park and Won W. Koo, North Dakota State University, “The Magnitudes of Economic and Non-Economic Factors in Demand for U.S. Domestic Air Passengers”
  • 2013: Carl Martland, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Introduction of Heavy Axle Loads by the North American Rail Industry, 1990 to 2012
  • 2012: Rafael Costa and C. Parr Rosson, III, Texas A&M University, “The Impacts of the Panama Canal Expansion on World Cotton Trade”
  • 2011: Alexander Bigazzi and Miguel Figliozzi, Portland State University, “A model and Case Study of hte Impacts of Stochastic Capacity on Freeway Traffic Flow Benefits and Costs”
  • 2010: Tony Diana, Federal Aviation Administration, “Predicting Arrival Delays: An Application of Spatial Analysis”
  • 2009: Tae H. Oum, Jia Yan, and Chunyan Yu, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, “Ownership Forms Matter for Airport Efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Investigation of Worldwide Airports”
  • 2008: C. Gregory Bereskin, St. Ambrose University, “Railroad Cost Curves Over Thirty Years – What Can They Tell Us?”
  • 2007: Rob Konings, Ben-Jaap Pielage, Johan Visser, Bart Wiegmans, Delft University of Technology, “Container Ports and Their Hinterland: Multimodal Access and Satellite Terminals within the Extended Gateway Concept”
  • 2006: Ian Savage, Northwestern University, “Trespassing on the Railroad”
  • 2005: Patrick DeCorla-Souza, Federal Highway Administration, “A New Public-Private Partnership Model for Road Pricing Implementation”
  • 2004: Ian Savage and Shannon Mok, Northwestern University, “Why Has Safety Improved at Rail-Highway Crossings?”
  • 2000: Ian Savage, Northwestern University, “Management Objectives and the Causes of Mass Transportation”
  • 1999: C. Phillip Baumel, Jean-Philippe Gervais, Marty J. McVey, and Takehiro Misawa, “Evaluating the Logistics Economic Impacts of Extending Six Hundred Foot Locks on the Upper Mississippi River: A Linear Programming Approach”
  • 1998: Carl Scheraga and Patricia M. Poli, “Assessing the Relative Efficiency and Quality of Motor Carrier Maintenance Strategies: An Application of Data Entry Envelopment Analysis”
  • 1997: Wayne K. Talley and Ann Schwarz-Miller, “Motor Bus Deregulation and Racial/Gender Effects: Earnings and Employment”
  • 1996: Todd Litman, “Full Cost Accounting for Transportation Decision Making: Estimates, Implications and Applications”
  • 1995: Leon N. Moses and Ian Savage, “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of United States Motor Carrier Safety Programs”
  • 1994: Brian Shaffer and James Freeman, “Variation in Producer Responses to Automobile Fuel Economy Mandates”
  • 1993: W. Bruce Allen and Dong Liu, “Service Quality and Motor Carrier Costs: An Empirical Analysis”
  • 1992: Victor E. Eusebio, Stephen J. Rindom, Ali Abderrezak, and John Jay Rosacker, “Rail Branch Lines at Risk: An Application of the Exponential Survival Model on Kansas Duration Data”
  • 1991: Patrick Little, Joseph M. Sussman, and Carl Martland, “Alternative Freight Car Maintenance Policies with Attractive Reliability/Cost Relationships”
  • 1990: James A. Kling, Curtis M. Grimm, and Thomas M. Corsi, “Strategies of Challenging Airlines at Hub-Dominated Airports”
  • 1989: Cathy A. Hamlett, Sherry Brennan, and C. Phillip Baumel, “Local Rural Roads: A Policy Analysis”
  • 1988: John R. Brander, B. A. Cook, and John Rowcroft, “Auctioning Runway Slots: Long Term Implications”
  • 1987: Clinton V. Oster, Jr. and C. Kurt Zorn, “Deregulation’s Impact on Airline Safety”
  • 1986: Chulam Sarwar and Dale G. Anderson, “Impact of the Staggers Act on Variability and Uncertainty of Farm Product Prices”
  • 1985: Brian D. Adam and Dale G. Anderson, “Implications of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 for Level and Variability of Country Elevator Bid Prices”.Donald J. Harmatuck, “Back Haul Pricing: Mathematical Programming and Game Theory Approaches to Allocating Joint Costs”.Jeffrey L. Jordan, Dieudonne Mann, S. E. Pressia, and C. Thai, “Managing the Transportation of Perishable Commodities: Temperature Control and Stacking Patterns”
  • 1984: K. Eric Wolfe, “An Examination of Risk Costs Associated with the Movement of Hazardous Materials”
  • 1983: Denver D. Tolliver, “Economics of Density in Railroad Cost-Finding: Applications to Rail Form A”
  • 1982: Jeffrey Beaulieu, Robert J. Hauser, and C. Phillip Baumel, “Inland Waterway User Taxes: Their Impacts on Corn, Wheat and Soybean Flows and Transport Costs”