Now published by Elsevier, the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum (JTRF) seeks original manuscripts covering all facets of transportation economics and policy.”
Starting in 2018, JTRF is published as a freestanding volume within Elsevier’s Research in Transportation Economics journal series.
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2004 - 2017, Vols 43-56
Published by the Transportation Research Forum, these journal issues are also available through Oregon State University via
- Preserving Railroad Infrastructure: The Case of Iowa Branch Rail Lines
- Measuring the Transportation Workforce Skills Gap Using New Indices and Survey of Employers and Workers
- Profile of Shortline Railroads in High Grain Production States
- A Framework to Analyze the Feasibility of Vehicle Miles Traveled Fees to Finance A Sustainable Transportation System
- Bringing in the Sheaves: Changes in Canada’s Grain Supply Chain Through the Post Canadian Wheat Board Era
- Private Vehicle Ownership in Provincial China
- On-Demand, App-Based Ride Services: A Study of Emerging Ground Transportation Modes Serving Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
- Full Journal
- An Analysis of Illicit Drug Use and Motor Vehicle Fatalities Using Contiguous State-Level Data
- Calibration of the Highway Safety Manual Given Safety Performance Functions for Rural Multilane Segment and Intersections in Kansas
- Indian Vehicle Ownership: Insights from Literature Review, Expert Interviews and State-Level Model
- Pass the Salt: Markets for Grain Shipping on the Great Lakes
- An Application of Decision Tree Models to Examine Motor Vehicle Crash Severity Outcomes
- Stochastic Modeling of te Last Mile Problem for Delivery Fleet Planning
- Full Journal
- An Analysis of the Status of Undergraduate Transportation Management Education in the United States
- Safety Analysis Considering the Impact of Travel Time Reliability on Elderly Drivers
- Airline Ancillary Services: An Investigation into Passenger Purchase Behavior
- Demonstration of the United States Road Assessment (usRAP) as a Systematic Safety Tool for Two Lane Roadways and Highways in Kansas
- Impacts of Mobility Management and Human Service Transportation Coordination Efforts and End-User Quality of Life
- Export Spread, Farmer Revenue and Grain Export Capacity in Western Canada
- Book Review: Airport Urbanism
- Full Journal
- Safety Evaluation of Shoulder Bypass Lanes at Unsignalized Intersections on Rural Two-Lane Roadways Using Cross Sectional Analysis
- Modeling the Transport Infrastructure-Growth Nexus in the United States
- Sturdy Inference: A Bayesian Analysis of U.S. Motorcycle Helmet Laws
- Shippers’ Changing Priorities in Port Selection Decision – A Survey Analysis Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Investigating Mixed Logit Analysis of Critical Headways at a Single-Lane Instrumented Roundabout
- Hazardous Materials Transportation with Multiple Objectives: A Case Study in Taiwan
- An Assessment and Measurement of Risks in the International Airline Industry: A Study of the ICAO Carriers Over the Period, 1990-2013
- Full Journal
- Have the Major U.S. Air Carriers Finally Turned the Corner? A Financial Condition Assessment
- Adoption of Natural Gas Vehicles – Estimates for the U.S. and the State of Texas
- Safety Impacts of Converting Two-Way Left-Turn Lanes to Raised Medians and Associated Design Concerns
- Local Sensitivity Analysis of Forecast Uncertainty in a Random-Utility-Based Multiregional Input-Output Model
- Exploring Sustainable Transportation Attitudes and Stages of Change Using Survey and Geospatial Data in New England Campus Commuters
- Impacts of Highway Infrastructure Investment Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- Industry Issue Paper: A New Modal Classification System for Public Transportation
- Full Journal
- Regression Model Evaluation for Highway Bridge Component Deterioration Using National Bridge Inventory Data
- The Impact of Driving Knowledge on Motor Vehicle Fatalities
- Airline Fuel Hedging: Do Hedge Horizon and Contract Maturity Matter?
- Dedicated Energy Crop Supply Chain and Associated Feedstock Transportation Emissions: A Case Study of Tennessee
- Welfare Measures to Reflect Home Location Options When Transportation Systems are Modified
- The Multimodal Connectivity at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations and the impact on Ridership
- Effective Light Source for Illuminating Overhead Guide Signs and Improving Roadway Safety
- Book Review: High Speed Rail: International Lessons for U.S. Policy Makers
- Full Journal
- Comparative Evaluation of Technologies and Data Sources to Capture Travel Time at Section-Level on Urban Streets
- A Simplified Method for Performance Evaluation of Public Transit Under Reneging Behavior of Passengers
- Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and Forecasting Future Traffic Needs: Lessons from Selected North Carolina Case Studies
- Canada’s Grain Handling and Transportation System: A GIS-based Evaluation of Potential Policy Changes
- Intrarailroad and Intermodal Competition Impacts on Railroad Wheat Rates
- Northern Plains Grain Farm Truck Marketing Patterns
- Book Review: From Rail to Road and Back Again?
- Full Journal
- Sustaining Sustainability in Marine Terminals: A Strategic Framework
- Weights from a Safety Perspective for Interchange Lighting Prioritization
- Analyzing Severity of Vehicle Crashes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings: Multinomial Logit Modeling
- Assessing the Effect of Compressed Work Week Strategy on Transportation Network Performance Measures
- What Matters Most in Transportation Demand Model Specifications: A Comparison of Outputs in a Mid-size Network
- Severity of Pedestrian Crashes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings
- Hard Red Spring Wheat Marketing: Effects of Increased Shuttle Train Movements on Railroad Pricing in the Northern Plains
- Book Review: Low Cost Carriers: Emergence, Expansion and Evolution
- Full Journal
- Contributing Circumstances Impact on Missouri Teenage Driver Crash Fatalities
- Equity Evaluation of Sustainable Mileage-Based User Fee Scenarios
- In the Decision to Code-Share a Route Different for Virtual and Traditional Code-Share Arrangements
- Horizontal Cooperation in Network Expansion: An Empirical Evaluation of Gas Transportation Networks
- Multi-Vehicle Crashes Involving Large Trucks: A Random Parameter Discrete Outcome Modeling Approach
- Review, Experimental Evaluation and Policy Considerations of a Directional Time of Day Truck Restriction on Highways
- Safety and Economic Assessment of Converting Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections to Roundabouts on High Speed Rural Highways
- Full Journal
- Optimizing Strategic Allocation of Vehicles for One-Way Car-sharing Systems Under Demand Uncertainty
- Measuring Performance at a Large Metropolitan Area: The Case of the DC (District of Columbia) Metroplex
- Determinants of Per Capita Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): The Case of California
- The Magnitudes of Economic and Non-Economic Factors on the Demand for U.S. Domestic Air Travel
- Forecast of CO2 Emissions from the U.S. Transporation Sector: Estimation From a Double Exponential Smoothing Model
- State Variation in Railroad Wheat Rates
- Factors Contributing to Police Attendance at Motor Vehicle Crash Scenes
- Full Journal
- Modeling Through Traffic Speed at Roundabouts Along Urban and Suburban Street Arterials
- Comprehensive Equity Analysis of Mileage-Based User Fees: Taxation and Expenditures for Roadways and Transit
- Determining Cost-Effective Policy for Visibility of Overhead Guide Signs on Highways
- Income and Exchange Rate Sensitivities of Cross-Border Freight Flows: Evidence from U.S.-Canada Exports and imports by Truck, Rail, Air, and Pipeline
- A Comprehensive Assessment of Highway Inventory Data Collection Methods
- The Effect of Governance Forms on North American Airport Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis of Airport Authority vs. Government Branch
- Do State Fiscal Constraints Affect Implementation of Highway Public-Private Partnerships? A Panel Fixed Logit Assessment
- Book Review: Transportation and Economic Development Challenges
- Full Journal
- Specifying and Estimating a Regional Agricultural Railroad Demand Model
- Identifying Traffic Safety Practices and Needs of Local Transportation and Law Enforcement Agencies
- A Bi-Objective Approach to Evaluate Highway Routing and Regulatory Strategies for Hazardous Materials Transportation
- TRANSIMS Implementation for a Small Network and Comparison with Enhanced Four-Step Model
- Road Supply in Central London: Addition of an Ignored Social Cost
- Dynamics of Transport Infrastructure, Exports and Economic Growth in the United States
- An Optimization Approach Applied to Fair Division Transportation Funding Allocation Models
- Book Review: Dry Ports – A Global Perspective: Challenges and Developments in Serving Hinterlands
- Book Review: The Last Great Stock Market Corner
- Full Journal
- Determinants of VMT in Urban Areas: A Panel Study of 87 U.S. Urban Areas 1982-2009
- The Economic Impact of Increased Congestion for Freight-Dependent Businesses in Washington State
- Network-Based Simulation of Air Pollution Emissions Associated with Truck Operations
- Factors Contributing to School Bus Crashes
- Equipment Replacement Decision Making: Opportunities and Challenges
- Measuring Spatial and Temporal Market Structure in a Transportation Sector: For-hire Grain Trucking on the Alberta-Saskatchewan Border in Canada
- Modeling Frequency of Truck Crashes on Limited-Access Highways
- Full Journal
- Spatial Transferability: Analysis of the Regional Automobile-Specific Household-Level Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Models
- A Framework for Determining Highway Truck-Freight Benefits and Economic Impacts
- Future Substitutes for Diesel Fuel in U.S. Truck and Railroad Freight Transportation
- U.S. and European Freight Railways: The Differences That Matter
- Modeling User Equilibrium in Microscopic Transportation Simulation
- Introduction of Heavy Axle Loads by the North American Rail Industry
- Rail Market Share of Grain and Oilseed Transportation
- Book Review: Mobility First
- Full Journal
- Modeling Injury Severity of Young Drivers Using Highway Crash Data from Kansas
- An Analysis of a Strategic Transformation Plan: The Case of Alaska Airlines
- Efficiency Benchmarking of North American Airports: Comparative Results of Productivity Index, Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis
- Modeling Fatigue-Induced Collision Relative Risk: Implications of Service Hours and Fatigue Management Policies on Transit Bus Operators in Florida
- Truck Use on Texas Toll Roads
- Correlation Analysis of Duty Cycle Effects on Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy
- Gate Violations by Truck Drivers at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings in Two Cities
- Book Review: Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation
- Book Review: Transport Economics
- Book Review: Amtrak: Past, Present, and Future
- Full Journal
- Assessment of Sustainable Infrastructure: The Case of Exurban Dallas
- Applying the Highway Safety Manual to Two-Lane Road Curves
- Predicting Block Time: An Application of Quantile Regression
- Dynamic Programming Optimization Approach for Budget Allocation to Early Right-of-Way Acquisitions
- Pavement Pre- and Post-Treatment Performance Models Using LTPP Data
- Productivity Improvements in the U.S. Rail Freight Industry, 1980-2010
- Stopping Behavior of Drivers at Stop-Controlled Intersections: Compositional and Contextual Analysis
- Book Review: Toward More Sustainable Infrastructure
- Full Journal
- Comparison of Alternative Methods for Estimating Household Trip Rates of Cross-Classification Cells with Inadequate Data
- Feasibility of an Intermodal Terminal in Rural Texas to Enhance Marketing and Transportation Efficiency
- Border Zone Mass Transit Demand in Brownsville and Laredo
- High Occupancy Toll Lane Performance Under Alternative Pricing Policies
- Microsimulating Automobile Markets: Evolution of Vehicle Holdings and Vehicle Pricing Dynamics
- A Comprehensive Rail Rate Index for Grain
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Shared-use Vehicles for Reducing Greenhouse Gase Emissions: A U.S. Case Study of Grocery Delivery
- Book Review: The Parking Garage
- Full Journal
- Baggage Fees and Airline Stock Performance: A Case of Initial Investor Misperception
- Electronic Appraisal Methodology for Right-of-Way Acquisition in Highway Projects
- Electrified Vehicle Technology Trends, Infrastructure Implications and Cost Comparisons
- A Preliminary Investigation of Private Railcars in North America
- Disappearance of American Wealth and Its Impact on Air Travel: An Empirical Investigation
- Freight Distribution Systems with Cross-Docking: A Multidisciplinary Analysis
- Methodology to Measure the Benefits and Costs of Rural Road Closure: A Kansas Case Study
- Book Review: Railroaded
- Book Review: Statistical and Econometric Methods for Transportation Data Analysis
- Book Review: Intermodal Transportation: Moving Freight in a Global Economy
- Full Journal
2004 - 2011, Vols 43-50
Oregon State University Library
Currently, vols 43-56 (2004 – 2017) are archived at Oregon State University.
2000-2003, Vols 39-42
JTRF was co-published four times a year with the Eno Foundation’s “Transportation Quarterly”
JTRF Vol 39 (2000) was included in TQ Vol 54
JTRF Vol 40 (2001) was included in TQ Vol 55
JTRF Vol 41 (2002) was included in TQ Vol 56
JTRF Vol 42 (2003) was included in TQ Vol 57
Full text is available at the Hathi Trust Digital Library:
1987-1999, Vols 28-38
Published by the Transportation Research Forum. Volumes 28 and 38 have one issue each. Volumes 29-37 were published twice a year.
Full text available at the Hathi Trust Digital Library:
1960-1986, Vols 1-27
These volumes contained the proceedings of the annual forum. For links to the full texts of the proceedings held by the Hathi Trust Digital Library, link to: