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Session 151: Graduate Student Mixer

8:00PM-8:45PM ET Session 151: Graduate Student Mixer A special virtual networking event. Converse with consultants, researchers, and fellow graduate students. E-mail to receive the event details. Join the Mixer here!

Session 111: Managing the Curb (Part 1)

10AM-11AM ET Session 111: Managing the Curb (Part 1) No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 156 Coding the Curb: A Roadmap for Cities to Manage Their Most Valuable Assets Lila Singer-Berk Lila Singer-Berk Cambridge Systematics 218 Curbside Management Challenges and Opportunities: Insights from the Public and Private Sectors in 14 US Cities Caleb Diehl Caleb Diehl […]

Session 112: Posters: Freight

10AM-11AM ET Session 112: Posters: Freight No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 144 Airships, LTA vehicles, a New Efficient, Sustainable and Resilient Mode of Transport for the Integration of Remote Areas in the Americas Mitra Salehi Esfandarani, Neda Nazemi, Mihalis Golias and Sabyasachee Mishra Mitra Salehi University of Memphis 148 Curbside Management Challenges and Opportunities: Insights […]

Session 121: Managing the Curb (Part 2)

11:10AM-12:10AM ET Session 121: Managing the Curb (Part 2) No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 216 Markets and Pricing for Curb Space Adrian Moore Adrian Moore Reason Foundation 217 Dynamic Curbside Management in the Age of New Mobility and e-Commerce: Case Study from Washington, DC David Lipscomb David Lipscomb District Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C. [zoom_api_link […]

Session 122: Effects of the Pandemic on Aviation

11:10AM-12:10AM ET Session 122: Effects of the Pandemic on Aviation No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 150 Aviation Clusters: Addressing the Implications of COVID-19 and the CARES Act Daniel L. Rust, Richard D. Stewart and Thomas J. Werner Daniel Rust Fecri Karanki, Discussant University of Wisconsin-SuperiorNorth Dakota State College of Science 160 The Impact of COVID-19 […]

Session 123: Ocean Freight

11:10AM-12:10AM ET Session 123: Ocean Freight No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 152 The Panama Canal Expansion: Impact on Logistics Developments and the Economy of Panama Anthony M. Pagano., Onésimo V. Sanchez, Ricardo Ungo and Ruben Lachman Anthony Pagano Ricardo Sanchez, Discussant University of Illinois – Chicago United National Economic Commission for Latin America and the […]

Session 131: Agricultural Transportation

3:00PM-4:00PM ET Session 131: Agricultural Transportation No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 202 Estimating the Demand for Railroad and Barge Movements of Corn in the Upper Mississippi River Valley Tobias Sytsma and Wesley W. Wilson Wesley Wilson University of Oregon 203 Canada/US Rail Regulatory Comparison James Nolan James Nolan University of Saskatchewan 204 Geographic Analysis of […]

Session 132: Equity

3:00PM-4:00PM ET Session 132: Equity No. Title Author Presenter Affiliation 158 Defining Equity Populations in Long-Range Transportation Planning Jon Overman, Lila Singer-Berk, Kalieh Honish, Mark Yamarone and Rena Lum Jon Overman Anne Brown, Discussant Brian Taylor, Discussant Cambridge Systematics University of Oregon University of California, Los Angeles [zoom_api_link meeting_id=”83205146056″]

Session 141: An Oxford Style Debate (Member Plus)

4:10PM-5:10PM ET Session 141:An Oxford Style Debate Topic: This house resolves that no more rail transit lines should be built in North America Judge Ian Savage Northwestern University Affirmative Team Lead Debater Ken Button George Mason University Negative Team Lead Debater Art Guzzetti American Public Transportation Association [zoom_api_link meeting_id=”82608774357″]