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Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1): Regression Model Evaluation for Highway Bridge Component Deterioration Using National Bridge Inventory Data

Accurate prediction of bridge component condition over time is critical for determining a reliable maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation (MRR) strategy for highway bridges. Based on bridge inspection data, regression models are the most-widely adopted tools used by researchers and state agencies to predict future bridge condition (FHWA 2007). Various regression models can produce quite different […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Severity of Pedestrian Crashes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings Abstract The objective of this research was to quantify the impacts of various factors on three different severity levels of pedestrian injuries sustained in crashes reported at highway-rail grade crossings. This research utilized the 2007-2010 crash and crossing inventory data. The three crash severity levels of pedestrians’ […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

What Matters Most in Transportation Demand Model Specifications: A Comparison of Outputs in a Mid-size Network Abstract This paper examines the impact of travel demand modeling (TDM) disaggregation techniques in the context of medium-sized communities. Specific TDM improvement strategies are evaluated for predictive power and flexibility with case studies based on the Tyler, Texas, network. […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Assessing the Effect of Compressed Work Week Strategy on Transportation Network Performance Measures Abstract The focus of this paper is on evaluating and assessing the effect of a compressed work week strategy (say, not working a day each week) on transportation network performance measures such as linklevel traffic speed, travel time, and volume-to-capacity ratio using […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Analyzing Severity of Vehicle Crashes at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings: Multinomial Logit Modeling Abstract The purpose of this paper is to develop a nominal response multinomial logit model (MNLM) to identify factors that are important in making an injury severity difference and to explore the impact of such explanatory variables on three different severity levels of […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Weights from a Safety Perspective for Interchange Lighting Prioritization Abstract The focus of this paper is to research and update weights (values indicating the effect) to multiply ratings of selected factors used in the Total Design Process (TDP) for interchange lighting prioritization from a safety perspective. Results based on analysis using data collected at 80 […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Sustaining Sustainability in Marine Terminals: A Strategic Framework Abstract Sustainability initiatives in maritime industry, despite their global need and relevance, are often riddled with strategic and implementation issues. Here we examine “green” initiatives of top-five global marine terminal operators. We classify their initiatives as technology-centric, process-centric and relationship-centric, and develop a core-competency-driven framework for these […]

Summer 2015 (vol 54, 2)

Hard Red Spring Wheat Marketing: Effects of Increased Shuttle Train Movements on Railroad Pricing in the Northern Plains Abstract Despite the widespread adoption of shuttle train grain elevators and their potential for reducing rates for grain transport, few studies have evaluated their impact on railroad pricing. The aim of this paper is to assess railroad […]

Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

Canada’s Grain Handling and Transportation System: A GIS-based Evaluation of Potential Policy Changes Abstract Canada?s Grain Handling and Transportation System: A GIS-based Evaluation of Potential Policy Changes This research re-examines both transportation allocation and infrastructure capacity problems associated with moving grain from the Western Canada to export position. The analysis is conducted with geographic information […]

Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

Northern Plains Grain Farm Truck Marketing Patterns Abstract Northern Plains Grain Farm Truck Marketing Patterns A survey of farm operators in the Northern Plains Region was conducted to gather information about on-farm storage and truck markets. The objective of the study is to provide information about farm truck grain marketing patterns in the Northern Plains. […]