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Summer 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 2)

Rail Market Share of Grain and Oilseed Transportation Abstract The share of the grain and oilseed harvest moved by rail has been declining since 1980, when the Federal Motor Carrier Act and the Staggers Rail Act were passed. Large structural changes associated with these acts affected the decline over the following two decades. Yet, even though the large […]

Summer 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 2)

Modeling User Equilibrium in Microscopic Transportation Simulation Abstract This paper compared performance of methods for combining model information estimated in one region and applied to another region to improve estimation results. The application is for models developed to estimate household-level automobile-specific CO2 emissions. The results indicated that automobile-specific CO2 emissions models can be transferred from one geographical region to […]

Summer 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 2)

Spatial Transferability: Analysis of the Regional Automobile-Specific Household-Level Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Models Abstract This paper compared performance of methods for combining model information estimated in one region and applied to another region to improve estimation results. The application is for models developed to estimate household-level automobile-specific CO2 emissions. The results indicated that automobile-specific CO2 emissions models can […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Gate Violations by Truck Drivers at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings in Two Cities Abstract Gate violations during train crossing events by truck drivers at highway-rail grade crossings in two cities were investigated. About 22% of the collected observations involved gate violations by truck drivers. Analysis showed that the frequencies of gate violations increased with higher truck traffic during crossing […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Correlation Analysis of Duty Cycle Effects on Exhaust Emissions and Fuel Economy Abstract Correlation analysis was performed to investigate the effects of drive cycle characteristics on distance-specific emissions (g/mile) and fuel economy (mpg) and consequently determine the most influential cycle metrics for modeling. A detailed analysis of linear and non-linear correlations was performed among cycle metrics to avoid […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Truck Use on Texas Toll Roads Abstract Metropolitan toll roads are a popular source of non-traditional funded highway investment, targeting automobile users. Toll rates have been traditionally derived from traffic and revenue (T&R) studies, which appear unable to accurately estimate truck demand even when a toll road offers an alternative route segment to interstate trucking. This paper examines […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Modeling Fatigue-Induced Collision Relative Risk: Implications of Service Hours and Fatigue Management Policies on Transit Bus Operators in Florida Abstract This research explores the association between fatigue-induced crash risk, transit operator hours of service and fatigue management policies in the state of Florida. Data used in this study include incident data archived by transit agencies and bus […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Efficiency Benchmarking of North American Airports: Comparative Results of Productivity Index, Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis Abstract Using three common methodologies for measuring airport efficiency, namely the productivity index method, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) method, this study examines the efficiency performances of 62 Canadian and U.S. airports. Unlike most previous […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

An Analysis of a Strategic Transformation Plan: The Case of Alaska Airlines Abstract In 2003, amid the turmoil of the U.S. airline industry in the post-9/11 environment, the senior management of the Alaska Air Group announced a “strategic vision” entitled “Alaska 2010.” The pronouncement articulated positions with regard to cost leadership, product differentiation, and growth. This study empirically […]

Spring 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 1)

Modeling Injury Severity of Young Drivers Using Highway Crash Data from Kansas Abstract Young drivers have higher motor vehicle crash rates compared to other drivers, and understanding the reasons for this would help to improve safety. This study, therefore, investigated characteristics and contributory causes of young-driver crashes and developed multinomial logit models to identify severity affecting factors. It […]