Editorial Policy
Journal History
The Journal of the Transportation Research Forum (JTRF) traces its origins back to 1961. From 1961 to 1986, JTRF contained the proceedings of the Annual meetings of the American and Canadian sections of the Transportation Research Forum.
JTRF became a formal refereed academic journal in 1987. With the exception of the volumes published from 2000 to 2003 when it was co-published with the Eno Foundation’s Transportation Quarterly, JTRF was produced, published and distributed independently by the Transportation Research Forum until 2017.
As of January 2018, JTRF comprises its own complete volume within the Research in Transportation Economics (RETREC) journal series published by Elsevier. The JTRF volume within Research in Transportation Economics carries the JTRF title and maintains JTRF volume numbering (next is Volume 58 coming in 2019). For prospective authors, while the current version of JTRF is “published” online once a year, JTRF seeks submissions on a continuous basis. Being part of a web based volume, accepted JTRF papers are available through the RETREC website on an ongoing basis prior to being formally assembled into the yearly JTRF volume.
Editorial Policy
JTRF has always focused on the economics and business aspects of all modes of transportation. It has given an equal emphasis to both freight and passenger transportation. It has a strong emphasis on the effects of regulation and public policy. JTRF has a strong history of the analysis of the transportation of agricultural commodities. Historically the journal, like TRF, has concentrated on transportation problems on the North American continent.
The journal seeks three types of original manuscripts:
- Analytical papers that may be either empirical or theoretical research on transportation problems and issues;
- Industry issue papers that are describe and evaluate the application of economic analyses to addressing current issues that affect or will affect individual transportation modes; and
Book reviews of publications of direct relevance to the scope of the journal.
JTRF Citation
We recommend that citations of articles published in the JTRF use the following format.
[Author surname, forename/initials]. [“Article title”]. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Volume X, special issue of Research in Transportation Economics, vol, year, pp.
Why Should You Publish with JTRF?
Given our incorporation within Elsevier’s Research in Transportation Economics, potential Journal of the Transportation Research Forum authors will now have access to Elsevier’s submission software, and will also benefit from the expanded reach and well publicized impact factors of Elsevier’s transportation journal products. To this end, JTRF is now indexed in Scopus, Journal of Economic Literature, RePEc, TRID, and the TRIS and ITRD Databases.
Peer Review Process
JTRF is a double blind peer-reviewed journal. Each paper submitted to JTRF is reviewed by at least two anonymous referees and one of the Co-General Editors.
Submission Process
Initial submissions are made through the Research in Transportation Economics website. Upon submission, authors will be asked to identify that their submission is for consideration by JTRF.
James Nolan
General Editor, JTRF
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8
Phone: (306) 966-8412
Email: james.nolan@usask.ca