Dedicated to the exchange of ideas among
researchers, professionals, and students and
an informed citizenry since 1958.

Now published by Elsevier, the Journal of the Transportation Research Forum (JTRF) seeks original manuscripts covering all facets of transportation economics and policy.”

Starting in 2018, JTRF is published as a freestanding volume within Elsevier’s Research in Transportation Economics journal series.

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2004 - 2017, Vols 43-56

Published by the Transportation Research Forum, these journal issues are also available through Oregon State University via 

2004 - 2011, Vols 43-50

Oregon State University Library

Currently, vols 43-56 (2004 – 2017) are archived at Oregon State University.

2000-2003, Vols 39-42

JTRF was co-published four times a year with the Eno Foundation’s “Transportation Quarterly”

JTRF Vol 39 (2000) was included in TQ Vol 54
JTRF Vol 40 (2001) was included in TQ Vol 55
JTRF Vol 41 (2002) was included in TQ Vol 56
JTRF Vol 42 (2003) was included in TQ Vol 57

Full text is available at the Hathi Trust Digital Library:

1987-1999, Vols 28-38

Published by the Transportation Research Forum.  Volumes 28 and 38 have one issue each.  Volumes 29-37 were published twice a year.

Full text available at the Hathi Trust Digital Library:

1960-1986, Vols 1-27

These volumes contained the proceedings of the annual forum. For links to the full texts of the proceedings held by the Hathi Trust Digital Library, link to: