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Five Points to Guide Investment Policy in the Post-COVID Era

Chapter Host: Washington, D.C  |  October 14, 2020  |  1 hour


Alan Pisarski recently published in the Reason Foundation newsletter a set of five points to guide public policy in transportation post pandemic.  He will discuss that work in our meeting and expand on it, particularly focusing on the impacts of the major trend toward Working at Home that comes out of the COVID impacts but that now has a life of its own. He sees the impacts as far-reaching, not just for work commuting, but for all other local and long distance travel.

Alan is a writer, analyst, and consultant in the fields of transportation research, policy, and investment.  At the national level he has been invited frequently to testify in both Houses of the United States Congress on many occasions regarding economic and demographic factors that define travel demand, infrastructure investment requirements and public policy. At the state level he has been invited to advise state Gubernatorial and Legislative Commissions regarding their economic, social, demographic and infrastructure circumstances (Arizona, Washington, Georgia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas, Virginia, and Maryland). Internationally he has served the US AID, the World Bank, the United Nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union, the World Tourism Organization and the European Tourism Commission.

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