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The Future of Transportation: How COVID-19 Impacts the Path Forward

Chapter Host: Washington, D.C  |  November 18, 2020  |  66 minutes


This presentation will review some of the emerging data on how travel is being impacted by the pandemic and offer comments on how this is likely to impact transportation going forward.  This will include how research, planning, governance, and operations are likely to be impacted and how important transportation issue such as equity, environmental impacts, productivity, and safety may be impacted.

Before Dr. Polzin’s appointment at US DOT in June 2019, he served as Director of Mobility Policy Research at the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida.  His professional interests include transportation policy, travel behavior and travel demand, public transportation, travel data analysis, and transportation decision-making.  His current research interests include the implications of emerging trends on travel behavior.  He has a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from Northwestern University.  He served on the Board of Directors of the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) for 13 years and the Board of Directors of the Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization for 7 years.  Dr. Polzin has served on several Transportation Research Board and American Public Transportation Association Panels and Committees.  He has served on Editorial Boards of the journal Transportation and the Journal of Public Transportation. He taught graduate courses on Transportation and Land Use and Public Transportation for over 25 years at the University of South Florida.  Dr. Polzin worked for transit agencies in Chicago (RTA), Cleveland (GCRTA), and Dallas (DART) before joining the University of South Florida in 1988.

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