Dedicated to the exchange of ideas among
researchers, professionals, and students and
an informed citizenry since 1958.

Minnesota Chapter

The Minnesota Chapter actively engages with members from the public, private and non-profit sectors on a wide range of transportation issues including freight transportation, complete streets, Midwestern passenger rail, and gender in transportation planning, design, and use. The chapter’s administrative home is located at the University of Minnesota, and the chapter welcomes leaders, academics, students, and practitioners to participate in its programs.

Minnesota members collaborate with the Twin Ports chapter for in-person gatherings and online Brown Bag events.

Minnesota is home to a major international aviation hub at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, significant maritime operations along the Mississippi River, an extensive rail-freight system, and an innovative public transit network.

New members are welcomeStudents are encouraged to attend chapter events and consider joining at the discounted student rate to deepen connections to leaders in transportation and participate in poster or panel discussions about their own research.

Minnesota Chapter Committee

Frank Douma, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, President
Deborah Carter McCoy, Environmental Initiative
Monica Hartmann, University of St. Thomas

Contact the Minnesota Chapter at