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Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.2)

High Occupancy Toll Lane Performance Under Alternative Pricing Policies Abstract This paper explores how alternative pricing and operating policies influence revenue generation, level of service, and travel time costs for high occupancy toll (HOT) lane facilities. A framework for modeling HOT lanes is applied to a hypothetical facility. The analysis suggests that the way in which tolls are […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

Methodology to Measure the Benefits and Costs of Rural Road Closure: A Kansas Case Study Abstract While rural roads are essential to state economies, increasing farm size and the corresponding increase in farm vehicle size coupled with declining rural population have stressed the rural road system. As county population declines the financial ability of counties to maintain […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

Freight Distribution Systems with Cross-Docking: A Multidisciplinary Analysis Abstract Construction of bypass lanes at rural intersections has typically been considered a low-cost highway safety improvement by the transportation community. However, this needs to be quantitatively evaluated so that the decisions could be made on whether to continue with adding bypass lanes. Highway safety analyses utilize two common approaches […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

Disappearance of American Wealth and Its Impact on Air Travel: An Empirical Investigation Abstract Recently, the Federal Reserve reported that U.S. households net worth dropped by $17 trillion, a stunning 26% loss from the peak of the cycle to the bottom. The precipitous drop in home and stock prices that continued through the first quarter of 2009 […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

A Preliminary Investigation of Private Railcars in North America Abstract Construction of bypass lanes at rural intersections has typically been considered a low-cost highway safety improvement by the transportation community. However, this needs to be quantitatively evaluated so that the decisions could be made on whether to continue with adding bypass lanes. Highway safety analyses utilize two common […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

Electrified Vehicle Technology Trends, Infrastructure Implications and Cost Comparisons Abstract Alternatives to petroleum-based fuels for transportation are sought to address concerns over climate change and energy security. Key semiconductor, software, and battery technologies have sufficiently progressed over the past few decades to enable a mass-market-viable plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) alternative. In this paper, the various […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.1)

Electronic Appraisal Methodology for Right-of-Way Acquisition in Highway Projects Abstract When right-of-way is acquired for highway projects, state departments of transportation (DOTs) must ensure property owners receive a fair market value for their land by delivering high-quality appraisals. Despite recent technological advances, the highly complicated appraisal process often results in similar properties being assessed differently. Several DOTs sponsored […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.2)

Comparison of Alternative Methods for Estimating Household Trip Rates of Cross-Classification Cells With Inadequate Data Abstract This paper investigates the forecast performance of a traditional cross-classification model and alternative models that seek to address the shortcomings of traditional cross-classification analysis, specifically when it has cells with inadequate data. The study uses five cross-sectional datasets collected in the San Francisco […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.2)

Border Zone Mass Transit Demand in Brownsville and Laredo Abstract This study examines whether economic conditions in Mexico influence public transportation ridership levels in the border cities of Brownsville and Laredo, Texas. Besides the standard variables generally utilized to model bus ridership, additional indicators included in the empirical analysis are northbound pedestrian traffic and the real exchange rate […]

Spring 2012 (Vol.51, No.2)

Feasibility of an Intermodal Terminal in Rural Texas to Enhance Marketing and Transportation Efficiency Abstract This study examines the economic feasibility of investment in an intermodal terminal in west Texas and its implications for reducing roadway maintenance costs and CO2 emissions. The study focuses on cotton, a leading agricultural commodity in Texas, which is highly dependent on […]