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Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

Intrarailroad and Intermodal Competition Impacts on Railroad Wheat Rates Abstract Intrarailroad and Intermodal Competition Impacts on Railroad Wheat Rates The issue addressed in this paper is more fully understanding the relationship of intrarailroad competition and rail rates for wheat in the largest wheat producing states, which are Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South […]

Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and Forecasting Future Traffic Needs: Lessons from Selected North Carolina Case Studies Abstract Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) and Forecasting Future Traffic Needs: Lessons from Selected North Carolina Case Studies The focus of this paper is to conduct an evaluation of selected traffic impact analysis (TIA) case studies, review current practice, and […]

Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

A Simplified Method for Performance Evaluation of Public Transit Under Reneging Behavior of Passengers Abstract A Simplified Method for Performance Evaluation of Public Transit Under Reneging Behavior of Passengers This paper develops a model based on the Markov Chain technique to evaluate performance of a public transport route. The model addresses a special situation where […]

Fall 2015 (vol. 54, 3)

Comparative Evaluation of Technologies and Data Sources to Capture Travel  Time at Section-Level on Urban Streets Abstract This paper focuses on capturing section-level (a signalized intersection to the next) travel times on urban street segments using Bluetooth detectors as well as from INRIX data source and comparing it with manual and Global Positioning System (GPS) […]

Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1)

Effective Light Source for Illuminating Overhead Guide Signs and Improving Roadway Safety Abstract Effective Light Source for Illuminating Overhead Guide Signs and Improving Roadway Safety Driver safety is considered an important issue to departments of transportation. One way to increase highway safety is to improve the visibility of overhead guide signs for drivers. Visibility improving […]

Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1)

The Multimodal Connectivity at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations and the Impact on Ridership Abstract The Multimodal Connectivity at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations and the Impact on Ridership A multimodality index (MI) is developed to evaluate the accessibility and convenience of transit use by investigating the connectivity of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) with […]

Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1)

Welfare Measures to Reflect Home Location Options when Transportation Systems are Modified Abstract Welfare Measures to Reflect Home Location Options When Transportation Systems Are Modified Transportation system improvements do not provide simply travel time savings, for a fixed trip table; they affect trip destinations, modes, times of day, and, ultimately, home and business location choices. […]

Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1)

Dedicated Energy Crop Supply Chair and Associated Feedstock Transportation Emissions: A Case Study of Tennessee Abstract This study minimizes total cost for single-feedstock supply chains of two dedicated energy crops, perennial switchgrass and biomass sorghum, in Tennessee using a spatial optimization model. Greenhouse gas emissions from the transport of feedstock to the conversion facility were […]

Spring 2016 (vol. 55, 1)

Airline Fuel Hedging: Do Hedge Horizon and Contract Maturity Matter? Abstract Large and unpredictable swings in fuel prices create financial uncertainty to airlines. While there are the risks for going unhedged, airlines that hedge to mitigate fuel price risk face the basis risk. This paper examines whether the length of hedge horizon and distance to […]

Spring 2016 (vol.55, 1)

The Impact of Driving Knowledge on Motor Vehicle Fatalities Abstract This paper analyzes the influence of driving knowledge on highway safety by estimating regression models on U.S. state-level data over six years (2005 through 2010). The models incorporate a representative set of motor vehicle fatality determinants. Driving knowledge?as measured by performance on the GMAC Insurance […]