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Spring 2014 (Vol. 53, No. 1)

Road Supply in Central London: Addition of an Ignored Social Cost Abstract Studies examining the social cost of driving usually ignore the opportunity cost of having roads in place: the associated land rents. Especially for geographic regions where land is valuable, including the rent costs may even lead governments to close some roads. By using the London […]

Spring 2014 (Vol. 53, No. 1)

TRANSIMS Implementation for a Small Network and Comparison with Enhanced Four-Step Model Abstract Travel demand forecasting is a major tool to assist decision makers in transportation planning. While the conventional four-step trip-based approach is the dominant method to perform travel demand analysis, behavioral advances have been made in the past decade. This paper proposes and applies an enhancement […]

Spring 2014 (Vol. 53, No. 1)

A Bi-Objective Approach to Evaluate Highway Routing and Regulatory Strategies for Hazardous Materials Transportation Abstract Hazardous materials (hazmat) transportation is of concern to policymakers because of the serious safety, health, and environmental risks associated with the release of hazmat. One effective approach to minimize risks associated with hazmat transport is the prohibition of hazmat transportation on higher risk […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Modeling Frequency of Truck Crashes on Limited-Access Highways Abstract Involvement of large trucks in crashes can cause much damage and serious injuries, due to their large sizes and heavy weights. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between large truck crashes and traffic and geometric characteristics on limited access highways. Crash and traffic and geometric-related […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Measuring Spatial and Temporal Market Structure in a Transportation Sector: For-hire Grain Trucking on the Alberta-Saskatchewan Border in Canada Abstract While the trucking industry across North America is now fully de-regulated, truck markets and movements are diverse enough that the level of competition in truck transportation almost certainly varies across space, commodities, and even time. Most studies […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Equipment Replacement Decision Making: Opportunities and Challenges Abstract The primary function of equipment managers is to replace the right equipment at the right time and at the lowest overall cost. In this paper, the opportunities and challenges associated with equipment replacement optimization (ERO) are discussed in detail. First, a comprehensive review of the state-of-the art and state-of-the practice […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Factors Contributing to School Bus Crashes Abstract School bus safety is a community concern because parents expect their children to be transported to and from school safely. However, relatively few studies have been devoted to examining the factors contributing to school bus crashes. In this study, a logistic regression model is used to delineate the factors that contribute […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Network-Based Simulation of Air Pollution Emissions Associated with Truck Operations Abstract Estimating greenhouse gasses (GHGs) and other emissions (especially diesel particulates) is an increasingly important basis for regional policy analysis. According to the EPA (2010a), the transportation sector contributed 27.2% of total GHG emissions in 2008, and 50% of these were from truck operations. This research focuses on […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

The Economic Impact of Increased Congestion for Freight-Dependent Businesses in Washington State Abstract Congestion in the transportation system necessitates select businesses to operate on a less efficient production function. A survey of freight-dependent businesses in Washington State was used to calculate the costs of congestion and economic impact of increased congestion. As these businesses spend more to provide […]

Fall 2013 (Vol. 52, No. 3)

Determinants of VMT in Urban Areas: A Panel Study of 87 U.S. Urban Areas 1982 – 2009 Abstract This paper uses econometric techniques to examine the determinants of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in a panel study using data from a cross section of 87 U.S. urban areas over the period 1982-2009. We use standard OLS regression […]